2 min readFeb 28, 2021


We are excited to announce that the PolkaBased Presale will happen on Bounce.Finance Platform. We’ve considered different options for our community presale, but decided to go with the Fixed Swap Auction.

Bounce is a decentralised swap and distribution platform. The platform is created for seamless and non-custodial limited liquidity swaps.

Participation Tutorial

  1. Click on the Direct Link in the email that you will receive on 28 February at 3:00 pm UTC. You will be redirected to the Presale on Bounce.Finance.
  2. Connect your ERC-20 wallet via an extension such as MetaMask or Wallet Connect.
  3. Now enter the given password to start and lastly enter the amount of ETH you wish to swap for POB tokens.

Always check the POB token contract address AND the Pool ID. These and the password will be emailed to the whitelisted participants when the Presale starts on the 28th of February at 3:00 pm UTC.

The swap will be successful if the ETH amount sent is below the bounce level of the pool. The progress load bar shows how many tokens have been swapped at the time and how far it is to the maximum. When the bounce level (Hard Cap) is reached, any additional ETH sent will bounce (sent back to the user).

It should take some time before the website gives you a result of your success on the swap. The time it takes depends on Ethereum network traffic.

The pool will close based on when one of the two conditions below are met, whichever happens first:

1. The bounce level (hard cap) is reached.

2. The Presale closes on 7 March 2021, 03:00 pm UTC.

All tokens in the presale are NOT transferable. Tokens will become transferable after the IDO.

Don’t hesitate to reach out for more information.

Website: https://www.polkabased.com
Telegram Group: https://t.me/PolkaBasedOfficial
Telegram Channel: https://t.me/PolkaBasedOfficialAnn
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PolkaBased
Medium: https://PolkaBased.medium.com
Github: https://github.com/PolkaBased




PolkaBased Protocol | Community Governed Decentralized Finance